If You Need Help

The Carying Place has a unique approach. We teach lifelong financial literacy while providing 16 weeks of transitional housing and up to 16 months of life skills, budgeting, workforce development, and home ownership preparation for families in our community. 

  • Are you currently homeless?
  • Are you working 37.5 hours a week at a minimum of $14?
  • Do you have children under the age of 19 living with you?

If so, please contact us at 919 462-1800.

For more information, visit our programs page.


Graduate Stories




“I was homeless and unable to get an apartment due to a 348-credit score. Even though I worked full-time, I was going in circles and didn’t see any way out of the rut I was in.

Creating a weekly budget, watching my spending habits, accounting for money spent, and not having to pay rent, utilities, or other cost of living expenses made it possible for me to pay off several debts, and my credit score soared.

When I graduated from TCP, I had saved over $8,000, my credit score was at 690, and I was prepared for my homeownership journey! What TCP offers is not a handout but a hand up.” – Mary, a TCP graduate.





Join us for A Night in Paris... Lighting the Way Home.